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July 1, 2021

They marveled at our unprecedented impact during a global pandemic saying, “You truly made a difference everywhere!” And yet again, Operation Gratitude will be everywhere, leading a reemergence of hands-on, in person volunteer opportunities across the country.

June 24, 2021

In July, our unstoppable team and dedicated volunteers will assemble and ship Operation Gratitude’s signature “Christmas in July” Care Packages to 20,000 deployed Troops in more than 30 countries and U.S. Naval vessels globally.

June 17, 2021

I know the civilian-military divide may be unthinkable to some, but it is real. And while I’ve heard from a few volunteers that they were upset to learn an overwhelming majority of our troops and their families feel misunderstood, we must ask “what more can we DO about it?” As we approach 9/11’s 20th anniversary, Operation Gratitude is redoubling our efforts to address this issue and taking steps to measure the impact of what we are DOING to solve it.

June 10, 2021

While it’s important to occasionally take pause and appreciate what’s been accomplished, the opportunity to catch our breath could only be but a brief one. We choose to press on because our men and women in uniform can’t catch their breath either.

June 8, 2021

On a recent staff call, our Senior Director of Military and Veteran Programs and retired Marine, Rich Headley, used a perfect...

May 28, 2021

May is Military Appreciation Month, and as both a veteran and a colleague to many members of the military, I believe it’s important to honor those who protect and serve our country and communities. Some might think this month is only for military families and their closest acquaintances, but I believe this month is for everyone.

May 27, 2021

As a result of our actions and consistent impact, we are poised to achieve a much bigger vision in the coming years. A nation united through service and gratitude.

May 18, 2021

To honor Military Appreciation Month, we have a simple, tangible way for YOU to help us say thank you to thousands of families like these during May, when Americans everywhere take pause to express appreciation to service members and their families.

May 13, 2021

I know it’s difficult to envision — Americans of all ages, in and out of uniform, from every walk of life, standing side by side in service to their country, their communities, and one another. I understand. You may not believe it unless you see it with your own eyes. Let me help you picture it and imagine what it will be like, not only to see it but also to be a part of it in your own community.

May 7, 2021

A recent study funded by Welch’s surveyed 2,000 U.S. moms and found their average workweek clocks in at around 98 hours. That’s the equivalent of two full-time jobs.

April 30, 2021

While my unit and I may be central to our mission, I can’t even begin to think about the task at hand without the support of my employer, my coworkers, my community, my wife, and, importantly, my four kids. That’s why I wanted to take the time to recognize, celebrate, and raise awareness for the Month of the Military Child and the unseen sacrifices at home that surround many of our soldiers overseas.

April 29, 2021

When all is said and done, during April — which happens to be both the Month of the Military Child and National Volunteer Month — we will do more than any other organization in the country when it comes to impacting the lives of military kids, as well as volunteers of all ages and from every walk of life. But we need your help crossing the finish line.


OG is Everywhere

They marveled at our unprecedented impact during a global pandemic saying, “You truly made a difference everywhere!” And yet again, Operation Gratitude will be everywhere, leading a reemergence of hands-on, in person volunteer opportunities across the country.

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The Meaning of Appreciation

In July, our unstoppable team and dedicated volunteers will assemble and ship Operation Gratitude’s signature “Christmas in July” Care Packages to 20,000 deployed Troops in more than 30 countries and U.S. Naval vessels globally.

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Flag Day and Measuring Impact

I know the civilian-military divide may be unthinkable to some, but it is real. And while I’ve heard from a few volunteers that they were upset to learn an overwhelming majority of our troops and their families feel misunderstood, we must ask “what more can we DO about it?”

As we approach 9/11’s 20th anniversary, Operation Gratitude is redoubling our efforts to address this issue and taking steps to measure the impact of what we are DOING to solve it.

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Catch Our Breath

While it’s important to occasionally take pause and appreciate what’s been accomplished, the opportunity to catch our breath could only be but a brief one. We choose to press on because our men and women in uniform can’t catch their breath either.

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CSX train with Operation Gratitude logo.

Everyone Has a Role To Play

May is Military Appreciation Month, and as both a veteran and a colleague to many members of the military, I believe it’s important to honor those who protect and serve our country and communities. Some might think this month is only for military families and their closest acquaintances, but I believe this month is for everyone.

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First responder heroes stand in front of a fire truck with Operation Gratitude care packages.

See It With Your Own Eyes

I know it’s difficult to envision — Americans of all ages, in and out of uniform, from every walk of life, standing side by side in service to their country, their communities, and one another.

I understand. You may not believe it unless you see it with your own eyes. Let me help you picture it and imagine what it will be like, not only to see it but also to be a part of it in your own community.

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CSX train with veteran service organization nonprofit logos.

Supporting the Sacrifices of Those Left Behind

While my unit and I may be central to our mission, I can’t even begin to think about the task at hand without the support of my employer, my coworkers, my community, my wife, and, importantly, my four kids.

That’s why I wanted to take the time to recognize, celebrate, and raise awareness for the Month of the Military Child and the unseen sacrifices at home that surround many of our soldiers overseas.

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Service members hand out teddy bears to military children.

Crossing the Finish Line

When all is said and done, during April — which happens to be both the Month of the Military Child and National Volunteer Month — we will do more than any other organization in the country when it comes to impacting the lives of military kids, as well as volunteers of all ages and from every walk of life. But we need your help crossing the finish line.

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